Monday, March 7, 2016

Belly Fat Exercises to Help You Lose Belly Fat Faster!

Want to know the secret to belly fat exercises and how to lose your belly fat faster? Guess what it's NOT doing thousands of sit ups and countless hours of boring cardio. The real secret is a combination of more weights training at a more intense pace that makes you sweat and the right eating plan to aid your recovery and help you scorch that abdominal fat faster.

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The secret to Weights training!

Performing exercises that utilize bigger muscles and recruit all the smaller muscles around to help you perform the exercise will help you burn the fat quicker. Do exercises such as bench press, push ups, pull ups, lat pull downs, seated rows, squats and lunges, which all do an excellent job in giving you an overall body workout, rather than just isolating small muscle groups.

By working out your whole body 3 times per week, you'll build more muscle and burn more abdominal fat sooner. Find a good circuit style program, that will get you doing one exercise after another with little rest. This will mean you can get your workout done faster and you will also raise your heart rate, work up a sweat and burn more belly fat.

A 1000 crunches doesn't work!

Perform crunches only in the 15-30 rep range for 3 sets 2 times per week. Anymore isn't necessary, as the belly fat exercises are good for building core strength, but overworking them will give you the opposite effect and just make your stomach look bigger.

Instead of more ab exercises opt for at least 20 minutes of High Intensity Interval Cardio training 3 times per week. where you vary your intensity level throughout the 20 minutes, meaning your body works harder in a shorter period of time, and you burn just as many calories as you would in a slower 45 minute cardio session.

Eat to lose abdominal fat faster!

The best eating plan in the world to lose belly fat is full of fibrous vegetables and lean protien sources such as lean meat and fish. Ad a little starchy carbs such as wholegrain pasta and rice to the mix every now and then, together with healthy fats such as a tablespoon or two of olive oil to your salads daily, and you're on a winner. These belly fat exercises WON'T work unless you get the your diet right!

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How to Build Upper Body Muscle Mass

Do you want a huge upper body? Maybe you have trained for months and years and just have not gotten the results that you have been wanting. But never fear because I am here to tell you just how to build the upper body muscle mass that you have always dreamed of. In this article I will tell you what muscle groups that you will need to work out so that you can achieve your dream body.

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Although you may want to get huge arms, you will look more then stupid if you have chicken legs and you will get laughed at. So before you go and work out only your arms six days a week let me let you in on a little secret. If you want a super hot upper body then you have to train your lower body. The perfect body is called the X frame. If you think about what an X looks like then you can imagine what you want your body to look like. When training your legs and lower body you are also building muscle mass in your back and your abs very important if you want to build upper body muscle mass.

You also need to train your back many people just focus on there arms to get a great upper body but you back is very important to get that winged look and develop your rear deltoid and trapezius muscles. This is very important when building muscle mass so that your overall image of your upper body will appear huge.

You need to also work out your deltoids many people just work out there front deltoids when actually your deltoid muscle has three heads so when you work out all three your shoulders will become huge and well defined and appear almost boulder like. This is great for your upper body image.

Do not forget your chest. If you have a little chest and big arms then you will look funny as well. Use incline benches to really work out your chest instead of flat ones, using and incline will really work out your chest, also use dumbbells barbells and cable machines to achieve a great chest.

So now you know how to build upper body muscle mass, and it may be easier then you had once thought. You see the secret is in the rest of the body. To get a great upper body you need to workout the lower body. Many people may not know this but all of your muscle groups work together to give you a huge powerful body.

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Fitness Training Programs

Physical fitness is the state of the human body when it is in perfect health. Being fit is very important to stay alert both physically and mentally and also to ward off certain diseases that attack as the body ages. Fitness programs are schedules that allow a person to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. There may be many reasons for taking up a fitness program: to gain strength, to lose weight, to lose body fat, to fight certain disabilities, or just to become more fit.

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Fitness training is for making the body stronger and fitter. There are many kinds of fitness training programs: cardiovascular training, strength training, flexibility training, nutrition, and weight management. All these can be incorporated into a single fitness program for having a healthy body weight, improved level of strength, improved co-ordination and a resilient body. Each of these depends on the kind of body we have and it's potential. There is no ideal fitness training program. They are normally custom designed as per individual requirements and capabilities.

Fitness training increases metabolism, strength, flexibility and muscle tone, as well as decreasing stress levels in the body. There are also sports-specific fitness training programs like soccer fitness training, football fitness training, swimming fitness training, golf fitness training and so on. There are also fitness training programs for kids.

A fitness trainer should be able to design the right kind of fitness program. It should cover all relevant aspects like: strength, flexibility, aerobic and anaerobic endurance, agility, and speed. These days, there are many professional fitness training centers that have sophisticated equipment to suit all kinds of people and their fitness needs. These centers have professional and medical specialists who would be able to offer advice about the best kind of fitness program. They provide customized workout routines, nutrition plans, personal trainers, and expert guidance to make the results last.

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How to Get Big Muscles Today - Follow These Tips Massive Muscle Gain

No person, growing up, says "I want little muscles when I get big." Why... People like big muscles. All men want big muscles and women want a man with big muscles. If you're finally ready to get the rock-hard physique of your dreams keep reading, because in the following paragraphs I will tell you how to get big muscles.

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Decide Today

The first step of how to get big muscles always starts with a decision. You have to decide for yourself what you want to achieve and then you must take action immediately. Set your goals, develop a plan and then take action. Immediate action does something for yourself conscious mind. It helps you ward off procrastination, which will be the biggest obstacle you face while trying to gain muscle. Decide to today that you will get big no matter what stands if your way. If you do this, you will be successful.

Intensity Is A Must

This second step is very important if you want to know how to get big muscle. To gain massive muscle quickly you must train with extreme intensity inside of the weight room. You must work at a furious pace and drown all outside distractions. When you put total concentration into each rep of each set you're setting yourself of for unheard muscle growth. Your muscles will hate this new stress being put on them and will have no choice, but to grow.

Don't Over Train 

Finally the last step to getting huge is preventing overtraining at all cost. Make sure you're getting proper rest between workouts. For most people trying to get bigger, their question shouldn't be "how to get big muscles," it should be "how do I stop overtraining, so that I can finally grow?" Remember, muscle doesn't grow inside of the weight room while your lifting - It grows while you're sleep, so get proper rest.

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5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight Quickly

The food that you eat determines whether you are fat or thin, food is more powerful than any diet pills for losing weight. Eating the right foods at the right time of the day will boost your metabolism, this in turn will make your body burn more calories allowing you to lose weight quickly.

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Boosting your metabolism is possible lets see how....

1. Don't diet, when you cut calories your body thinks its starving and begins storing fat as a defense against starvation. When your body is taking in fewer calories it goes into survival mode, it takes fewer calories to sustain itself at its current weight. Excess calories are then stored as fat. When you diet like this you start to burn muscle and the less muscle mass you have, the less calories you burn, the slower your metabolism.

2. Start eating, you have to eat in order to keep your metabolism running in top form. Remember not eating slows down your metabolism in order to conserve calories. Never skip breakfast, you must start your day off by eating a healthy breakfast this is your most important meal of the day. Eat small meals throughout the day this will result in a boost to your metabolism.

3. Avoid sugar and white flour, simple sugars and refined flour are all absorbed quickly by your body and turned into fat. Eat more whole grains, they take more time to be absorbed into your body and this helps to keeps your blood sugar level. Think brown instead of white, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta and brown rice.

4. Avoid caffeine, drink water and decaffeinated green tea instead. Caffeine can stimulate sugar carvings, not a good thing if you are trying to lose weight quickly. Green tea has a lot of antioxidants and its much better for your body than coffee. Drinking water is important to your bodies health and it will also help you control your appetite. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, it will help flush toxins from your body.

5. Sleep, studies have shown that getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) for most people per night will keep you from gaining weight. While you are sleeping you are avoiding stress. Stress is known to increase your chances of gaining weight. Stress releases cortisol which slows down your metabolism causing your body to conserve calories as fat.

In conclusion....

Increasing your metabolism means not starving yourself. Eat six small meals a day to keep your blood sugar level, keep your stress levels low by getting enough sleep, and drink plenty of green tea and water. Following this advice will help keep your metabolism on fire allowing you to lose weight quickly and feel better about yourself.

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What Is the Best Total Gym Workout Routine?

A total gym workout routine allows you to exercise every part of your body. Basically, this system facilitates the use of your own body weight for resistance. You do this by using cables and other accessories that you can attach to the bench or use separate from the main frame. In order for your total gym workout routine to work, you need to establish a good one. You need to create a good workout plan and you have to stick with it.

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Muscle Endurance Routine
If you want to train your muscles to work longer, you should focus on a muscular endurance total gym workout routine. This is perfect for athletes who are training for specific sports like football, tennis or cycling. Muscular endurance training uses only 50 percent of the maximum weight. You also need to increase sets to 8-12 reps. A very good workout for muscular endurance is the circuit training routine which includes series of sets involving different kinds of exercises and doing all these exercises in 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Muscle Building Routine
Basically, if you intend to create bigger muscles, you need to focus on resistance exercises. You may also do fewer repetitions. Direct your efforts into building your muscles. With a high resistance total gym workout routine, you need to perform 6-8 repetitions and 3-5 sets of each high resistance exercise. You need to rest your body a day or two before you do the same exercises. However, if you have the time to train on a daily basis, you should focus on your upper body the first day, your lower body the next and so forth.

Cardio Workout Routine
If you are interested in losing weight or cardio workouts, you need to make sure that you lower your resistance level to your lowest. This will allow you to work faster or move faster. This will increase your heart rate to an aerobic level which will help you tone your muscles. By lowering the bench incline you will be able to decrease resistance and you can do various exercises like biceps curls, abs crunches and leg presses. To achieve maximum benefits, you need to increase your heart rate to 70-80% of your normal heart rate.

There are many total gym workout routine that you can do. Exercises vary, however, depending on your workout plan and your objectives. As long as you create a great workout plan and stick to it, there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to achieve your goals.

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5 Superfoods to Help You Lose Weight, Get Lean and Build Muscle

Did you know that muscle is more metabolically active than fat. So if you are replacing your fat stores with muscle it will be much easier for your body to lose weight, maintain your body's weight and speed up metabolism. Also, building muscle mass is a key component of overall health. From preventing the onset of osteoporosis and diabetes to helping you burn calories even when you're standing still, muscles do it all. So here is my selection of 5 superfoods that will help you lose weight and achieve quicker and faster results.

Build Muscle

Super Food #1 - Raw pumpkin seeds: Packed with magnesium, manganese, iron and copper which are all essential to build healthy muscle and to help it to function. I recommend consuming small handful a day. You can easily toss them into a salad, or eat them a snack.

Super Food #2 - Sweet potatoes: Great source of antioxidants, which help to rebuild muscle. This is also an excellent source of potassium. I recommend 3 servings of potassium rich foods (like sweet potatoes) with your 5-9 servings of vegetables and produce a day

Super Food #3 - Plain Kefir: Kefir can be purchased from many supermarkets nowadays, and if you can't find it go to your local health food store. Kefir is actually fermented yogurt. Extremely rich in probiotics and healthy bacteria, it is amazing when used as a case for shakes and smoothies. I recommend consuming a cup or more a day.

Super Food #4 - Quinoa: A complex carbohydrate, which fuels active muscles. I recommend consuming half a cup a day.

Super Food #5 - Acai Berry: Jam packed with antioxidants and nutrients, no wonder this super food was #1 on Dr. Perricone's list. This food also has lots of fiber in it, so it can gently cleanse your colon of any toxins while nourishing your body. Acai unfortunately is highly perishable and cannot be shipped from South America, so the easiest way to take it is in a capsule form.

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